I've seen girls evolve from Barbie-addicted pink princesses to tattoo-covered teenagers with multiple piercings. I've known parents announce their child is gay at the age of three and others remain blind to their children's sexuality through adulthood. Mariella replies What's normal? So much of our behaviour is conditioned by our formative experiences and later circumstances that it's hard to separate what we started out feeling and what developed along the way. Can one's sexuality change in such a short time? Is this normal? Ever since spending time with these women I haven't had as strong feelings for men and for the first time find myself fantasising about these women. I wonder if this might have contributed to my belief that I was gay. I went to a single-sex school and have never really had any female friends. The dilemma I have known I was gay since I was a boy, but recently I have started having sexual feelings for women that I've spent a lot of time with at university.